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Tema: Nuevo Pocketbook Touch Lux (PB623?)

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  1. #1
    Veteran@ en el foro Avatar de edge71
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 dic, 09

    Predeterminado Nuevo Pocketbook Touch Lux (PB623?)

    Cuanto tiempo sin postear por aquí. Tengo un PB603 desde principios del 2011, y ya toca actualizarse.

    Estaba esperando por sus nuevos modelos pero el Color Lux con pantalla tritón no me acaba de convencer, los colores parecen 'apagados', además que seguro será caro.

    Así que me he decidido por su modelo Touch Lux (que es el Touch actual con luz y pantalla HD)



    This is the HD E-ink ereader that I was expecting Pocketbook to launch, and it has the same HD E-ink found on the Kindle Paperwhite and Kobo Glo. Screen resolution is 1024×768, and of course it also has a frontlight and touchscreen. It has 4GB of storage, a microSD card slot, Wifi, and it has an audio jack. Not all features are mentioned, but this ereader does support text to speech, and it appears to also have a new feature that can measure the speed at which you are reading.

    Os dejo el link a Pocketbook UA


    Les he enviado un mail, para preguntar fechas y precio y me han contestado:

    You may the device at out German online shop and get it shipped to you in Spain.
    The device will be available for purchase by the end of the month. The price is 139 Euro.

    Así que cuando esté a la venta lo pillaré.


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